Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 9, 2008


Yup. We've officially become a family with a child that needed a trip to the ER for stitches. Hannah ran into the doorknob on the bathroom door tonight and put a good gash above her eye. It stopped bleeding after a few minutes, but I knew it needed to be closed up, or she'd have one hell of a scar for the rest of her life. She was one hell of a trooper. She didn't cry a SINGLE tear or make a SINGLE noise the entire time they stitched her up, including when they gave her the shots before they started stitching. I was shocked, and so, so proud of her. But in true Hannah fashion, she couldn't care less about the stitches -- she just likes the ID bracelet they gave her at the hospital. LOL!

See? She's just fine.

Hannah with her War Wound

And note that in this photo, she's wearing her sequined dress-up shirt. Because the second we got home and walked in, she stipped off her bloody pajama top and declared that she was going to play dress up. LMAO!


Mary said...

Wow what a brave girl! I've witnessed countless 2-5 or even a bit older kids who need to be strapped down to a papoose board for stitches (It's a child immobilizer).

Sounds like she did perfectly! I remember when I had to have stitches when I was 5. Not fun.

Mary said...

I forgot to comment on the picture. Her eye(s) look so beautiful in that picture, seeing all the gold/brown flecks. Very nice!

Allison said...


They didn't use a board, but they did immobilizer her with a sheet and her arms pinned to her side ahead of time. I don't think she would've needed it. LOL!

She was so proud because the doctor told her that earlier today, a HUGE football player (teenager) had come in and needed stitches in the same place as her, and that he cried like a baby the entire time. LOL!

My girl doesn't take shit. ;)

LotoFoto said...

That's the closest close-up I've ever seen. It's gorgeous...I LOVE it! Poor baby. She's such a trooper.

Allison said...

KF: I didn't take the photo that close. I took a closeup of her (using my macro setting) and then cropped the photo down to just show her eye. I don't think I could take one as close as that and not have it be blurry. LOL!

Kelly said...

Poor Hannah but way to go being so brave. Now see I would have thought that Grace would have been the first to get stitched up. LOL. She's still a beauty, stitches and all.

Renfield said...

Poor, sweet Hannah!!! I'm glad she seems unphased by the whole ordeal.

Anonymous said...

What a trooper!! I love her "shake if off and move on" attitude! :) Adults need to learn from kids sometimes, right? LOL Great photo of her eye! Glad she's OK!

Tiffany said...

Wow, what a brave girl and of coarse beautiful eyes!!

Chelle Y. said...

Ouch! Brendan would have had to been strapped down! :) You have two tough girls!

Emily said...

Its funny that such a little diva could be such a tough broad when she gets hurt. LOL


Crystal said...

Aww...such a brave and beautiful girl! (And i must say i just LOVE the dress-up!)

Susie said...

I would have cried!! Even with stitches that is a beautiful little girl. She really has beautiful eyes!!

Anonymous said...

((((Hannah)))) God is she beautiful!!! Steve better be ready when she gets older! Her AND Grace!

Jenn said...

She's still stunning! LOL about wanting to play dress up when she got home.