Monday, January 28, 2008

January 27, 2008

Writing Samples

I spent a good portion of today putting together writing samples for an interview I have tomorrow. It's a royal pain in the ass because I have to strip out previous clients' names and other information, so I spent hours doing just that. Sounds like fun, no? LOL!

So here's a little glimpse into the world of a technical writer and the kinds of things I write about when someone pays me to do it. It makes y'all want to run out and get some schooling to become a tech writer, no?

Um... yeah... didn't think so...

Writing Samples Overview

(PS: I REALLY want this job tomorrow for so many reasons. So any extra vibes/good luck you could spare would be greatly appreciated.)


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I'm wishing you the mostest luck of all [sending good vibes]. They say what goes around, comes around so hopefully it will come back and nip me in the bud.

Can't wait to read your "Whoo-hoo, I got it" blog.

Emily said...

Looks like exciting stuff! LOL

Good luck today, babe.


Susan's 365 said...

Lots of luck tomorrow.

Tiffany said...

Good luck! You will be posting you got it soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

Sending tons of good luck vibes your way.

Chelle Y. said...

"You will get this job...You will get this job!"

Just sending some positive wishes your way! :)

Renfield said...

I know you're going to get it - good luck!