Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Laziness Abounds....

Hey gang.

So, I did take pictures for today, but it's almost midnight here and I'm too lazy to upload and edit them, so they'll have to wait for tomorrow. But I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm looking at EVERY single one of your Project 365 photos that you've been posting. I read blogs through Google Reader, which is where I see all of your photos everyday. I know I should click on the link to your blog, comment on your photos, etc. And sometimes, I do. But sometimes, well... I'm just too busy, or too lazy, or too ignorant, or whatever. But I wanted to let you know that I DO see them every time you post one. And that I'm pretty damn impressed with a lot of them. I LOVE that all of us have been sticking with it and taking a photo a day. :)


Chelle Y. said...

I am with you on that one. I look at them too, but sometimes am too busy or lazy to comment. :)

Shoot, I am too busy trying to think of words for scramble! LOL!

LotoFoto said...

Ummm yeah. Fitting title.
Still waiting...

Renfield said...

Hey! Git off yer lazy butt already and post some photos!! =P