Thursday, January 3, 2008

Flickr Group for Project 365

Hey guys. Quick side post. There's a Flickr group for Project 365 (actually, 366 this year since it's a Leap Year). If you already have a Flickr account and upload your Project photos there anyway, you can join this group and add them to the pool. If not, you can still go browse. There's a TON of ideas/inspiration/etc. and it's cool looking at everyone else's photos everyday. If you're ever at a loss for what to photograph one day, head on over there. I guarantee you something there will spark an idea. :)


Melly said...

Ok, but how do I create a set that just 365 photos? I can't figure it out!

Allison said...

1. Go to your account and click on Organize --> Your Sets and Collections.

2. At the top is a link to Create a New Set. Click it.

3. Then you can name your set, drag your appropriate photos to it, etc.

4. There ya have it. :)