Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 18, 2008


The temperature finally went above freezing today and was in the mid-50's, so the girls got to go outside and play for a little while.


Kelly said...

Spring is coming!!
Great picture. I love their expressions. Look at all that open space behind your yard. Wow! Some days I wish I didn't have any neighbors.

Renfield said...

Oh you SUCK! The temperature here today was freakin' 11 and the winchills were in the -20s. I am SO ready for spring to come!!

I'll bet your girls loved being outside today!

Allison said...

Kelly: I LOVE not having neighbors. There are neighbors to one side of us, but they aren't THAT close and they're cool. I couldn't imagine EVER living in a town or development.

TRACEY: Don't worry. Your damn temperatures have hit us, a day later like usual. Grumble...

Chelle Y. said...

That picture is so cool!

Oh, and I am so bad at the scramble game! LOL!

Tiffany said...

Glad they could get outside for at least a little bit!